100’s Of Winning Tips On How To: Setting Up A Self-Catering Accommodation Business In Cape Town 

Questions and Answers About Setting Up A Self-Catering Accommodation Business In Cape Town   

If you’re looking for a way to make money from your Cape Town holiday home, then read on.

Starting a self-catering accommodation business In Cape Town is all about being informed. But where do you start?

You can start by deciding whether you want to manage and market yourself or use an agency. There are pros and cons of each option so it’s important to think about what will work best for your situation. Talking about cons; what are the risks?

Once you’ve made that decision, the next step is figuring out how much time and energy you have available to dedicate towards managing your property. Do you have enough time? Are there any other commitments in your life that might get in the way? These are all things worth considering before taking on this project.

Read these frequently asked questions for in-depth information about starting up a self-catering accommodation business in Cape Town!

Let’s look at the questions and answers you may have to set up your Cape Town Airbnb accommodation business.

Questions and Answers About Setting Up A Self-Catering Accommodation Business In Cape Town 

Setting Up A Self-Catering Accommodation Business In Cape Town

Table Of Contents: Setting Up A Self-Catering Accommodation Business In Cape Town 
1. Setting Up A Self-Catering Airbnb
2. How To Make Money With Airbnb
3. How To Manage An Airbnb
4. T&Cs | Rules | Protection
5. Only School Holiday Owners

Setting Up A Self-Catering Airbnb Accommodation Business In Cape Town  

There are many benefits to starting up a self-catering accommodation business in Cape Town, but it’s important not to base your decision on purely financial incentives. A successful host, especially a SuperHost, can make money from Airbnb. But you must study it well. Ignorant is no excuse.

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How To Make Money With Airbnb Accommodation Business In Cape Town 

You’ll read a lot of different opinions about making money with Airbnb. The following are some of the opinions you’ll likely read, and what they mean. 

What is import? Trust. If you ignore trust with your guests you are going to fail. If your Airbnb guests don’t give you 5-star reviews – regularly you will be just another average Joe. You will read there is, nearly, a direct relationship between the number of reviews and occupancy. Get those reviews in quickly. Why quickly? Airbnb likes action. A dormant holiday home in Cape Town or anywhere is a waste; they’ll dump you to the bottom. 

Obviously, Agency.CapeHolidays Management is biased but we are not really interested in managing a home the owner wants to market manage herself (this also means we can market if the owner wants to only manage the home). This should not stop us from giving you advice. So read what we share with this in mind.

Read these FAQ’s on setting up a self-catering accommodation business in Cape Town to profit.

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How To Manage An Airbnb Accommodation Business In Cape Town

A holiday home in Cape Town can be managed by the host. A good host is someone who has a good attitude and is able to talk to guests; banking goodwill.

Managing hosts also need to set expectations for the guests that they are hosting and get five-star reviews from those people.

If you want to have a self-catering home, you should know how to manage time, resources extremely well. If not, it could become a disaster. Guests don’t mind a mistake but they will take revenge (bad review) if you are not responsive.

You need to meet people when they get here. You will show them the key amenities, like where is the pool or laundry room. You will also tell them about any other facilities, like WiFi codes. Setting expectations. If you are timid and afraid they will take advantage. Be firm but friendly.

Read these FAQ’s on setting up a self-catering accommodation business in Cape Town to manage it effectively. 

[ultimate-faqs include_category=”airbnb-management”]


Self-Catering Accommodation Business In Cape Town: T&Cs | Rules | Protection

Managing a Cape Town self-catering holiday home has its risks, fears, and worries. You read bad press about parties, people occupying houses, theft, and whatnot. Without getting way out-philosophical;

A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for. This saying has also been credited to Albert Einstein and John A. Shedd..  

You have to address the risks, do foolproof audits, set up systems to reduce risk. Never assume. Fools like hosts who make assumptions.

The following FAQs are for owners who want an agency to manage but you can pick and choose what to read. Adapt it for your Cape Town self-catering business. And make it better.

Read these FAQ’s on setting up a self-catering accommodation business in Cape Town to make it foolproof (if there is such a perfect home – we should try).

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How To Short Term Rent My Cape Town Holiday Home During School Holidays Only?

Local Cape Town schools have a six-week break during December and January. For those who own a nice home in Cape Town, this is an opportunity to earn extra income by renting their property while the owner takes a break.

Many Cape Town “school holiday” owners want to rent their home but are worried about the work that goes into it. They’re also unsure of how to manage their home, and whether or not they should charge in a different currency. These people need someone with the infrastructure and marketing skills to help them rent their home on Airbnb. It’s not difficult when renting online but when it comes to pricing and management, guest liaison, checking on guests, parties, etc. they may decide that it’s too much for them.

You may read that it’s difficult to match the expectations of “school holiday” owners, and the impact of expecting guests. When you manage an annually available Cape Town holiday home you have various feedback loops; the house becomes more guest-ready or foolproof. Owners also learn the ins and outs.

I suggest owners ensure they are fully aware; high expectations will be deflated if the owner lives in a perfect world. Read as much as possible. We also share a Terms & Conditions dedicated to “School Holiday Owners” specifically. The T&Cs is designed to highlight the issues you may encounter.

Read these FAQ’s on setting up a self-catering accommodation business in Cape Town for owners with kids at school; meaning the home is only available during school holidays.


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