When Penguins And Octopuses Become Friends: A True Story About Simons Town:

Photo: © 167/Ralph Lee Hopkins/Ocean/Corbis
Have you ever met Sophie and Leah?
Today you’ll read a true story about Simons Town:
Sophie and Leah are the two daughters of a family of African Penguins in Simonstown. They were so excited when they heard that their dad was setting up an Octopus Garden for them to have lunch with friends!
Sophie is always telling Leah, her sister, how wonderful it will be to swim with the colourful “octopuses” as they call them, but their dad has not yet found time for this special outing.
Sophie was a little bit nervous as she had never seen an octopus before. So her sister Leah asked, her dad, politely if she could be introduced to one first.
Arriving, there was no sign of any octopuses! They both looked around in confusion. Their dad explained that octopi are shy creatures, so they’ll have to wait patiently for one to come out from hiding before they can see them.
But after waiting for hours and a beautiful and loving octopus, called Octi, showed up. Surprise, surprise…
The Octi took off all of its clothes in front of Sophie and Leah, then showed them how it can change colour from red to blue by thinking about which colour it wanted to be at any time.
Sophie watched every movement carefully and quickly realized what an amazing creature the octopus really is!
“Here we can stay!”, she shouts in her donkey bray.
Side Note:
Talking about her donkey bray; her family is still upset with arrogant humans, change their (nick)name from Jackass Penguins to African Penguins. “Well”, she suggested to Leah, it makes them happy. Let’s watch these amazing octopuses.
Then, a human with massive long fins deep dived in amongst them at the same Octopus Garden.
“Who knows, he may want to eat me”, Octi shouted out.
This human looked friendly. But Octi and the girls did not trust him an escape.
But the human came every day – for years. He looked harmless. And he had a camera and lights. It must be “paparazzi,” they thought. But they made a friend. Such a caring friend. They shared their deepest secrets and fears. All the time in the nature lovers Simon’s Town and in Octopus Garden.
He may just be one of the real caring human types. He wore a smile, his eyes looked at Octi’s, Leah and Sophie with joy.
From that day they became famous. Not tragically famous like Di, but cool famous.
The Octopus Garden Was Not The Only Famous Place In this True Story About Simons Town
One day, Octopus Garden TV broadcasted that humans will be locked in their home. Yes. For many months because of a deadly virus; they knew this was the time. The African Penguin sisters and extended family invaded the town from that day. Took it over. The sound of donkey-braying happiness fulling the frightened ears of sombre humans.
After lots of hard work by caring people, two movies saw the light. The very popular Simonstown Octopus Garden featuring Octi. The second was about Leah and Sophie’s family of African Penguins who came to settle in Simon’s Town.
Both these movies are on Netflix. I am sure you’ll recognise Oct and the two penguin sisters; they are the most beautiful of the 3000 penguins in Simon’s Town.
Doubts? Do You Believe The True Story About Simons Town?
Does it really matter? Too many true things make us scared. Why not have more fun; tell more true stories and be happy.
Well, the following is a true story on Simons Town. Watch it on Netflix.
Watch The Trailer On Penguin Town
And if you have not had enough of true stories why not check another true story about Simons Town
Watch The Official Trailer On My Octopus Garden
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